Why I Started Eating Meat Again

Have y'all ever thought about 'why is fast food bad for you?' When looking upwardly ideas for good for you living, the consumption of fast food is often highly discouraged and we are oft advised to cut information technology all out from our diet. But, why is eating fast nutrient bad for you? Tin such delicious meals crusade irreparable harm to us and our wellness?


In this article nosotros are going to delve into this and give you lot facts on why fast nutrient is bad for you. We volition tackle issues such as 'is it safe to eat fast food?', why fast and high calorie diets are bad for you', likewise as giving you reasons why fast food is bad for y'all and why you should seek to remove it from your nutrition.

Reasons Why Eating Too Much Fast Food Is Bad For Yous: 3 Main Points Why Fast Food Is Bad For You

While there are multiple reasons why fast food is bad for you, they seem to all stalk from 3 main points. Fast food is high in calories, low in nutrients, and loftier in sugar and salt.

  • Depression In Nutrients

Regular consumption of fast food can lead to malnutrition. Nutritional deficiencies tin lead to many illnesses such every bit defective bone growth, eye and digestion problems, anemia, confusion and retentivity loss, diarrhea, and depression, etc.

Why Is Fast Food Bad For You

  • Loftier In Calories

Many fast food meals are oftentimes quite high in calories. For example, a burger (without a side of fries or a soft beverage) can have up to 700 calories.

If someone on a 1200-calorie diet was to consume this, they would have blown more that half of their daily recommended nutrient energy intake on a meal that would not continue them full for long. They would take to eat over again which, when done over time, would lead to weight gain/obesity which opens doors to a slew of more than health issues, some that are life threatening.

  • High In Salt/Sugar

Too much sugar in your diet can lead to cardiovascular diseases equally they cause higher claret force per unit area, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease – all factors known to contribute to heart attack and stroke. Eating as well much salt also increases your blood force per unit area, water retention, the risk of cancer and liver affliction, and more .

Fast food is also high in saturated and trans fats which raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol and lower your HDL (good) cholesterol. Likewise much cholesterol in the body can build up and clog your arteries increasing the chance for middle illness and stroke .

Read More: No Sugar Diet Nutrient List To Proceed Your Carb Intake Reined In

Why Is Fast Food Bad For You

How Does Fast Nutrient Diet Compare To Healthy Nutrition?

Healthy Diet

Truthfully, the comparison is dismal, at best. Co-ordinate to the World Health Organisation (WHO),  salubrious diet helps to protect against malnutrition (aka nutritional deficiencies), likewise as chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart affliction, stroke, and cancer. It includes ( ii ):

  1. All the five major food groups: fruits & veggies, dairy, unprocessed carbs, protein as well as good for you fats.
  2. Consuming up to 5 portions (at least 400 1000) of fruit and non-starchy vegetables a 24-hour interval.
  3. Less than ten% of total free energy intake from gratuitous sugars (aka added sugars in nutrient and drinks)
  4. Less than 30% of total energy intake from fats. Healthy nutrition advocates for the consumption of unsaturated fats – found in fish, nuts and vegetable oils – over saturated fats from fat meats, butter, palm and coconut oil, cream, cheese, ghee and lard. Information technology likewise highly advocates against the consumption of trans-fats. Trans-fats should ideally accept upwardly less that 1% of your recommended full energy intake.
  5. Consuming less than 5 thousand of salt daily.
  6. All food consumed under healthy nutrition/ a good for you diet should also exist within the recommended calorie intake for a person'southward age, weight, sex, and level of physical activity.

Fast Nutrient

Fast nutrient nutrition, on the other hand, does not pay attention to any of these factors. It is oft highly processed, low in nutrients, and high in calories.

Looking at the fast food facts on the National Centre for Health Research website, you volition encounter that some of the well-nigh beloved fast food options from some well loved restaurant chains are high in calories and fats ( i ). What makes the situation worse is that the foods mentioned are non enough to brand you full despite taking up most of your calorie allotment for the day.

Fast food is also loftier in added sugars, salt and saturated or trans fats – all substances that are not good for your wellness. For those who may be unaware, some research has pointed to fast nutrient existence addictive .

Why Is Fast Food Bad For You

Virtually A Written report

1 report done on rats showed that the rats that were fed a calorie-laden diet of junk nutrient quickly gained weight and developed a compulsion to eat.

The obese rats would not end eating the junk food even after beingness programmed to know when to stop eating and being punished (through an electric shock to their foot) for doing then. On the other hand, the rats that ate a more healthy and well-balanced diet (with limited access to some junk food) did not gain a lot of weight and would finish eating when told to.

What surprised researchers even more is that once the obese rats were denied their junk food, they went on a two calendar week hunger strike where they hardly ate anything that was given to them. While this study was done on animals researchers warn that human beings should pay circumspection to their junk food consumption.

They believe that fast food may cause changes in the brain'due south reward system for satiety compelling you to seek out more than and more junk food which is damaging to your health .

It should be noted, even so, that some steps are being taken towards making fast food nutrition better. Some restaurants put calorie information in their menus to let y'all know how much food free energy each meal has and others go even further to add together healthier alternatives to their menu .

Despite all of this fast food diet leaves a lot to exist desired. One review done in 2013 showed that while the nutritional quality of carte du jour offerings at some fast-food eating place chains has increased over time farther improvements are needed to assist better the food quality for the masses ( 4 ).

Why Is Fast Food Bad For You

Why Fast Nutrient Breakfast Is Bad For You?

Breakfast has been deemed as the most of import meal of the day and all for proficient reason . Having some good for you and nutritious repast in the forenoon helps kickstart your metabolism ensuring that you are burning calories throughout the day. This is especially of import for anyone looking to manage or lose weight.

Having a proper breakfast in the morning also replenishes your glucose levels after a menses of fasting (and thus the proper name 'breakfast') which helps boost your energy levels and alertness. This will assist proceed you better focused at piece of work or in school.

A wholesome and well-balanced breakfast meal tin can likewise help provide your torso with some essential nutrients that you require for proficient wellness. According to WebMD, multiple studies accept linked this kickoff meal of the day to improved memory and concentration, reduced risk of diabetes, reduced levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol, as well as lower chances of obesity and heart disease .

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Meal Plan

And then, Why Is Fast Nutrient Bad For You, Especially At Breakfast?

i. It's Oft Highly Unbalanced

As mentioned above, fast nutrient repast options do not unremarkably reverberate the recommendations of a well-balanced diet. Breakfast options offered at many fast nutrient restaurants often reverberate this. Instead of having that doughnut or croissant, opt to make a breakfast repast at home; one that is full of  carbohydrates, protein, salubrious fats, and fiber.

ii. High In Calories

Some pop breakfasts at fast food restaurants can have upward to 1350 calories with 65 g of fat 25 g of that being saturated fat. Non merely do these fat quantities get above the saturated fatty limit for virtually people, but having 1350 calories in i meal is too much. For some this nutrient energy intake covers all their intake for the 24-hour interval.

Such a meal automatically ways that yous have cleared all your allotted calories for the day and you should not eat anything else; which is unhealthy and incommunicable. Fast foods are full of unproblematic carbs which are fast digesting and give picayune energy to the body which means that you will be hungry once again in no time.

three. Loftier In Sugars

Making coffee at home is not just a budget-friendly tip, merely it is also a peachy way to protect your center health. Your favorite society at your coffee place of choice is almost probably incredibly sugariness which attests to how much added sugar is in the recipe

Consuming likewise much sugar can heighten your blood force per unit area and increase chronic inflammation putting you at a college risk of heart diseases, similar heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes. Too much sugar leads to too much insulin in the body, which not only affects your center, but also leads to a fatty liver, which can contribute to diabetes . Too much sugar can also lead to kidney damage, may increment joint pain and increase your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, may rot your teeth, and put you at a greater chance of depression .

Why Is Fast Food Bad For You

4. High In Salt

Besides much salt tin lead to water memory, increases blood pressure, every bit well as increasing your chance of stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer and kidney disease .

If having some fast food for breakfast is unavoidable for yous, strive to look for low sodium and healthier options on the menu. You can be surprised to find some healthy and nutritious dietitian recommended breakfast foods at such places .

Read More than: An Effective 13-Day Japanese Salt-Free Diet

Are There Some High Protein Fast Food Options?

Yes, at that place are. Cheers to many fast nutrient restaurants making an effort to diversify and include more healthy foods to their diet, yous tin find some high poly peptide fast nutrient meals from many american fast food bondage.

From low-carb burgers, to wraps, salads, and even defended protein boxes, you can discover multiple loftier poly peptide tiffin options from your favourite have out place. Depending on your eating place or meal of choice, yous tin get every bit much as 40 thousand of protein from your order .

Why Is Fast Food Bad For You

Why Is Fast Food And High Calorie Diets Bad For Yous?

Fast food is mostly quite loftier in calories and regular besides every bit long-term consumption of such a diet tin can cause a lot of harm to your body. Some effects of such a diet include :

i. Weight Gain

If you are on a weight loss program, or have no intention of gaining weight so you should absolutely stay abroad from such a meal plan. Fast foods are often high in saturated fats (which while tolerable in a healthy diet, must exist closely monitored) and trans fats which will cause weight proceeds. On the other mitt, such foods are frequently very loftier in calories. Going over your recommended food free energy intake for the day automatically leads to weight loss.

2. Oxidative Stress

This is an imbalance betwixt free radicals and antioxidants in your body. While oxidative stress occurs naturally in the body as we age, some factors such every bit a bad nutrition can contribute to it.

The imbalance between the free radicals and antioxidants causes chronic inflammation damaging healthy cells, leaving y'all vulnerable to illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and more than . Studies have shown that heated oils used in preparing fast foods increment oxidative stress in the body ( 3 , five ).

3. Insulin Resistance

It increases your take chances of obesity and blazon II diabetes.

4. Cognitive Dysfunction

Studies have shown that the consumption of junk food tin can impair retention and cause encephalon inflammation .

5. Increased Risk Of Illnesses

A loftier-calorie diet full of fats foods increases your risk factors for type 2 diabetes, heart illness, and certain cancers.

Is It Safe To Eat Fast Food?

Not, it is non. The main reason for the question why is fast food bad for you lot is because regular consumption of such causes more harm than good to your body. In spite of how user-friendly and delicious it is, information technology is often high in carbohydrate, salt, saturated fatty and trans fats, processed ingredients, and calories, and low in antioxidants, fiber, and many other nutrients.

However, if your nutrition is fabricated upwardly of healthful and wholesome foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish, seafood, low-fat dairy, lean meats, and poultry some fast nutrient may exist okay in your nutrition. If you often detect yourself relying on fast food for meals, be sure to always bank check the calories and await for those that are college in poly peptide, depression in sodium and calories.

The Bottom Line

The answer to 'why is fast food bad for yous' lies in how much sugar, fats, salt, and calories are packed into such foods. These make it and so that these foods are incredibly unhealthy, addictive, and increment the chance of obesity and many chronic illnesses.



This commodity is intended for general informational purposes but and does not accost individual circumstances. It is non a substitute for professional communication or assist and should not be relied on to make decisions of whatever kind. A licensed medico should be consulted for diagnosis and handling of any medical weather condition. Whatever action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


  1. Fast Nutrient Facts: Calories and Fatty (n.d., center4research.org)
  2. Good for you diet (2020, who.int)
  3. High-fat, energy-dense, fast-food-mode breakfast results in an increase in oxidative stress in metabolic syndrome (2008, researchgate.net)
  4. Nutritional quality at viii U.Southward. fast-food chains: 14-year trends (2013, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  5. The Effects of Heated Oils Used in Fast Nutrient Restaurants on Metabolic, Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Markers, Blood Force per unit area, and Liver Histology in Sprague-Dawley Rats (2017, researchgate.net)


Source: https://betterme.world/articles/why-is-fast-food-bad-for-you/

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