This is Not Your Room Please Continue Down the Corridor
Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Nine of Year One of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In this Chapter, after all the preparations you will finally get to explore the Mysterious Room in the Forbidden Corridor. You have two of your faithful friends to accompany you to that dangerous venture, and hopefully, with their skills and knowledge, you'll be able to discover more about the Cursed Vaults! In the last Chapter, you finished all the preparations, and soon will be the time to check out that room again. Anyway, before you get to explore the forbidden corridor, there is an eight-hour waiting period, so for that reason, it is recommended to complete the lessons first.
[Disclaimer: Walkthrough for this chapter has been updated in October 2021.]
Tap on the GO button and proceed to the Training Grounds when you are ready.
To complete Liftoff and Landing lesson, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Since all five stars are needed to pass, it is recommended not to start this lesson if you are low on energy.
During the lesson, tap on the various glowing objects and complete actions to fill up the star meter.
Also, try your best to complete all of the mini-tasks successfully to earn some extra Courage points.
When you earn your fifth Star, it's time to lift off. Trace the path on the screen in order to start flying.
Congratulation! By doing this, you completed all of the lessons for Year One of your Hogwarts studies. This will also raise your maximum energy by one, so it is a nice addition for future tasks.
Proceed to the corridor once the waiting time for the story tasks is over. On the way there you'll encounter the caretaker – Mr. Filch. He's the only obstacle you haven't dealt with yet. After a bit of talking, you can choose to trick him or ignore him. Tricking him requires level five in Knowledge attribute, and is the recommended option since it will reward you with ten attribute points.
After a bit of talking, he'll leave, so you'll be able to proceed to the upstairs corridor. Rowan, yourself, and either Ben or Penny (depending on which one you chose for this adventure) will gather and discuss the plan. In general, Ben or Penny will stay to keep guard, Rowan will be tasked with giving Mrs. Norris the Sleeping Draught, while your job will be to unlock the door with Alohomora. Thankfully, the potion will work and Mrs. Norris will be put soundly to sleep.
The next step is to use Alohomora on the door. Trace the path on the screen to successfully cast the Unlocking Charm.
The spell will work and the door will unlock, but suddenly you'll get ambushed by Merula and she'll knock you and your friends on the ground using the Knockback Jinx. Apparently, she is obsessed with finding the Cursed Vaults, and she waited for the opportunity to explore the Mysterious Room before you do.
After getting up and making sure everyone is all right, you have three options – you can choose to stop her, make her pay, or help her in case she's in trouble.
Regardless of the option, you select, three of you will decide to enter the room and follow Merula. This will open a task that requires you to earn five stars within one hour. It is recommended to have full energy when starting this task. Once you're ready, hit the start button to proceed.
Upon entering, you'll notice that Merula got frozen by the cursed ice.
Immediately after, the door gets encased in ice and two of your friends will also get frozen. You need to complete actions by tapping on the ice and then casting a Knockback Jinx to break the ice away and release your friends.
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Do the same actions for both of your friends and you'll set them free. Next, you'll get to choose if you want to save Merula or not. Saving her requires Empathy level five, but it is the preferred option since it rewards ten attribute points.
Even if you dislike her so much and decide against saving her, one of your friends will do so, regardless, so it is preferable to take the option which gives you better rewards. Repeat the same process on her in order to set her free. After casting Flipendo, she'll finally get a taste of her own medicine, maybe not in a way you hoped for, but satisfying nonetheless.
Afterward, you'll ask the friend you brought along for help opening the door. In case you brought Ben, he will use Flipendo Charm to break the ice around the door, but if you went with Penny, she'll use the strengthening solution to smash the ice. You'll then notice the strange writing on the wall near the door. Rowan will memorize it and you'll decide to leave before the cursed ice reappears.
Upon leaving, Merula will go back to her old self and Rowan and you will decide it's for the best that you go back to your Common Room. This will open up a new task to report to your House Prefect. Tap on the GO button and proceed to the Great Hall. When you get there, you'll be able to tap on the speech bubbles above some of the other students to see what they have to say. Then, tap on the exclamation mark to start the conversation with your Prefect. You'll learn that word travels fast at Hogwarts, and your Prefect will ask if you and your friends went to the Forbidden Corridor. You can choose if you want to tell the truth or not.
If you want to lie to your Prefect and cover for your friends, it will require level six Empathy but will reward you with ten attribute points. Admitting the truth will award you with five knowledge points. In any case, your Prefect will let you know that Professor Dumbledore requested your presence. This will be your next task. However, there is an eight-hour waiting period before you're able to continue, so you can either wait or spend some gems to instantly proceed. Either way, when you are ready, hit the GO button and proceed to the courtyard.
On the way there, you'll encounter Rowan, who will say that he transcribed the message you found in the Mysterious Room. After a bit of talking, he'll promise to spend his summer holidays trying to find more information about it, and he'll also wish you the best of luck in your meeting with the Headmaster.
When you get to the courtyard, you'll notice that Dumbledore is already waiting for you there. Tap on the exclamation mark to start the conversation. After a bit of talking, he'll give you an opportunity to ask him something. You can ask him about three different things.
Each option will award you five points in a different attribute, but no matter what you choose, he'll tell you that things will become clearer in the following years at Hogwarts. After a bit more talking, you'll find out not only that you won't get expelled, but that he'll also reward you with one hundred House Points!
And this is the end of Chapter Nine of Year One. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards.
Thank you for reading and see you soon with the conclusion to Year One of your adventure!
You can check out our video playthrough of Chapter 9 HERE
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